16th ANNUAL MEETING: Utrecht, Netherlands, June 26, 27, 28th 2008
CALL FOR PAPERS: Deadline 29th February 2008.
Invited speakers:
- Marina Nespor, University of Milan, Italy: Mechanisms in Early language acquisition.
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey:
- Radu Bogdan, Dept of Philosophy, Why development matters to cognitive science: The case for mental assembly.
- Nicky Clayton, Dept of Exptl. Psychology, Cambridge University, UK: The development and evolution of mental time travel.
- Yosef Grodzinsky, McGill University, Canada: A brain map for syntax and semantics.
Invited symposium organizers
- Asher Koriat, Dept of Psychology, University of Haifa, Israel: Metacognition
- Peter Hagoort, FC Donders Institute/ Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen: Downward causation
- Mike Martin, Dept of Philosophy, University College London, UK: Joint action
- Corrado Sinigaglia, University of Milan, Italy: Embodied language
The Society invites submitted papers, posters and symposia for this meeting.
Previous topics covered at include spatial concepts, emotion, perception, simulation theory, attention, reference, problems of consciousness, early numerical cognition, infants' understanding of intentionality, memory and time, motor imagery, causal understanding, counterfactuals, the semantics/pragmatics distinction, reasoning, vagueness, mental causation, action and agency, thought without language, externalism, connectionism, hypnosis, and the interpretation of neuropsychological results.
See http://www.eurospp.org/2008
We particularly welcome POSTER submissions. Posters will be displayed throughout the conference as well as at designated poster sessions. The
first author of each accepted poster (and who does not also present a paper) will get free ESPP membership for 2008.Programme chairs:
Psychology: Liz Robinson, U. Warwick, UK. e.j.robinson@warwick.ac.uk
Philosophy: Matt Nudds, U. Edinburgh, UK. matthew.nudds@ed.ac.uk
Linguistics: Alessandro Zucchi, U. Milan, Italy. alessandro.zucchi@unimi.it