Friday, December 21, 2007

New Central APA Sessions

2008 Central Division APA Meeting

The next sessions for the Society at the Central APA are now available. They are:

GI-5 Thursday, April 17, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM

Group Session: Society for the Metaphysics of Science

Topic: Metaphysics, Science, and the Social World

Title: "The Folk Concept of Race"
Speaker: Edouard Machery (University of Pittsburgh)

Title: "Normalcy and Sociality"
Speaker: Robert A. Wilson (University of Alberta)

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GIII-10 Thursday, April 17, 7:30 PM-10:30 PM

Group Session: Society for the Metaphysics of Science

Title: "Mechanistic Functionalism"
Speaker: Gualtiero Piccinini (University of Missouri, St. Louis)

Title: "Improving Nonreductive Functionalism by Taking Mechanisms Seriously: Causal Versus Total Nomic Roles"
Speaker: Ronald Endicott (North Carolina State University)

Title: "The Third Way for Functionalists"
Speaker: Carl Gillett (Illinois Wesleyan University)

Monday, October 8, 2007

2nd CFP: Reduction and the Special Sciences (Tilburg, NL, 10-12 April 2008)

Sydney-Tilburg conference on


Center for Logic and Philosophy of Science
Tilburg University, The Netherlands
10-12 April 2008

Submission deadline: 15 November 2007


KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: William Bechtel (UCSD), Craig Callender (UCSD),
Paul Griffiths (Sydney), Kevin Hoover (Duke), Philip Pettit

ORGANISERS: Mark Colyvan (Sydney), Stephan Hartmann (Tilburg),
Maurice Schouten (Tilburg) and Katie Steele (Sydney)

Science presents us with a variety of accounts of the world. While
some of these accounts posit a deeper theoretical structure and
fundamental entities, others do not. But which of these accounts is
the right one? How should science conceptualize the world? And what
is the relation between the various accounts? Opinions on these
issues diverge wildly in philosophy of science. At one extreme are
reductionists who argue that higher-level theories should, in
principle, be incorporated in or eliminated by the basic level
theory. Higher-level theories do not ultimately exhibit conceptual
integrity or provide genuine explanations. At the other extreme are
pluralists who take higher levels of description and explanation
seriously and argue for their independence and indispensability. Our
goal in this conference is to bring together representatives from as
many viewpoints as possible in order to advance our understanding of
this problem. We invite case studies from the natural, social and
behavioural sciences as well as discussions of philosophical models
of intertheoretic relations.

We invite submissions of papers of up to 3000 words by 15 November
2007. Decisions will be made by 15 January 2008.

GRADUATE FELLOWSHIPS: A few travel bursaries for graduate students
are available; if you wish to be considered please submit a short
(tentative) travel budget and a CV together with your paper by 15
November 2007. Decisions will be made by 15 January 2008.

BEST GRADUATE PAPER AWARD: We offer an award of 500 Euro for the best
submitted paper by a graduate student. The winner will be announced
on 15 January 2008.

PUBLICATION: Revised versions of selected papers will be published in
a special issue of Erkenntnis. The deadline for submission of the
final version of the paper is 1 June 2008.

The conference language is English.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Because Conference



University of Geneva, Switzerland
15-17 February 2008

Deadline December 1st, 2007

Invited Speakers:

Kit Fine (NYU)
Carrie Jenkins (University of Nottingham)
E. J. Lowe (Durham University)
Gonzalo Rodríguez-Pereyra (University of Oxford)
Zoltán Szabó (Yale University)

Topic of the conference:

The use of explanatory concepts, as expressed by means of locutions like 'because' or 'in virtue of', pervades all philosophical disciplines. In many cases what is at stake are causal links, but in many other cases causation is not involved. A currently hotly debated example is provided by the topic of truth-making. A truth-maker is something which makes a truth-bearer (a sentence, or a proposition, etc.) true, and the truth-making relation is commonly spelt out in terms of a non-causal explanatory relationship: for a truth-bearer to be made true by an entity is for it to be true in virtue of that entity, or in virtue of the existence of that entity. Other examples can be found in discussions about ontological dependence, supervenience, substances, essence, reduction, the realism vs. anti-realism debate, or again knowledge. The papers presented at the conference will deal with topics where non-causal explanatory links are crucially involved, as used in order to treat certain philosophical issues, or as the proper topic of philosophical inquiry.


We welcome submissions on the topic of the conference for 60 minute talks followed by a 30 minute discussion. The language of the conference is English. Abstracts of approx. 1000 words should be sent to by December 1st, 2007. Notification of acceptance will be sent by December 15th.

Travel and accommodation:

The speakers' travel and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed.


A volume on the topic of the conference will be edited, in which a selection of contributions is expected to be included.


The conference is organized under the auspices of the newly created Genevan center of metaphysics EIDOS ( by:

Fabrice Correia (University of Geneva, EIDOS)
Philipp Keller (University of Geneva, EIDOS)
Kevin Mulligan (University of Geneva, EIDOS)
Benjamin Schnieder (University of Hamburg, Humboldt-University of Berlin)


For any information please contact Fabrice Correia at Messages to the list are archived at Prolonged discussions should be moved to chora: enrol via Other philosophical resources on the Web can be found at